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Breakaway Blog
A 3 Step Plan for a Credit Card Spring Cleaning
I distinctly remember the thrill of opening my first credit card. At a department store, where I was spending more money than I probably should have been, the sales associate at the cash register offered me the opportunity to open a store card extolling the benefits of using their card– including a 20% discount on my purchase that day. I signed up immediately. It didn’t take long to regret the decision. I’ve never been one to act so impulsively when it came to my personal finances and couldn’t believe how easily I took the bait.
What are Credit Scores and How to Improve?
The topic of credit scores is highly debated. Some people say that credit scores don’t matter and that there are other ways to secure financing with either low scores or no credit history. But I’m here to say they do matter. And they are one of the best tools that a person has to have some control over their financial future.
5 Tips for Making a Post-Pandemic Budget
Twenty twenty-one is boom time. Everyone is getting back out in the world and having a good time. People who were stuck at home all last year are now traveling and seeing friends and family… But in between those BBQs and vacations, it’s time we should all spend a few minutes focused on our finances. After all, now that it feels like the world hit the “reset” button, there’s no better time to check in and see where you stand, by the numbers.
Talk Strategy with Your CPA
While it may just seem like 2021 started, in reality we're nearly in the fourth quarter which means tax season is right around the corner. 2021 was a big year for professional and financial changes and while we all know what we need to have ready for our CPA to file taxes, now is a great time to sit down and talk strategy. In the last final months of the year, you can make tweaks critical to your income and expenses which can wind up saving you thousands in the next year. But what kind of information can you have ready at hand to make sure that the time you spend with your CPA is productive?
Why You Need A Family Officer (or a Small Business Advisor)
In November 2016 I moved to Jamaica from New York City with my husband who is a diplomat. It all seemed like an escapist fantasy, running from the big concrete city and impending winter ahead to the sun-bathed tropics with its laid back vibes and vast selection of beaches to relax on. In many ways, it was a dream come true, but it also came with its own challenges. It was my first official foray into the world of “trailing spouses” where your identity is undeniably intertwined with the career of your other half. I had done my fair share of travelling and living in foreign countries, but this move was challenging.
5 Steps to Getting Your Bills in Order
Managing personal finance is difficult for anyone. Whether you have one or multiple properties, loans, credit cards, and other expenses to track it can be really difficult to stay on top of everything. Pair that with the demands of a career and family, and I’m willing to bet that you will spend a lot of your free time keeping your bills and other financial commitments organized.