Face Your Fears
I love this moment. Unveiling the Tesla cybertruck, design lead Franz Von Holzhausen winds up and throws a baseball into the concept car’s “bullet proof” glass. And … shatters it. You can clearly hear Elon Musk mutter “Oh my f---- God” under his breath. Undeterred, Musk asks him to do it again to a different window. Again, the window shatters. The next day more than 300 newspapers and web services pick up the story - not to mention countless memes.
Watching the video recently I observed something else. After saying “Maybe that was a little too hard …” Musk laughs. Not nervously or angrily. He genuinely laughs. He doesn’t sputter a lame explanation or immediately look to point blame. He did what any of us should do in that situation. He found humor.
Martin Moll
Founder + Advisor
If this past year has taught us anything, no matter how much we plan, prepare, worry, and plan again, inevitably things break. Fate intrudes. The unexpected surprises us. Change happens. It’s not that the planning isn’t necessary. It is. But so is the ability to laugh when things don’t happen as expected.
Oh, and Tesla’s value has increased more than 10 times since that video.