What is a Breakaway?
It’s arguably one of the most exciting moments in bicycle racing. Seemingly coming out of nowhere, a pack of riders surges ahead of the peloton and begins a courageous sprint, leaving the main group kilometers behind them. If you’re not familiar with cycling, you’d think that the breakaway pack will be the ones who ultimately win the race, but that’s not always the case. In fact, most Breakaways aren’t comprised of the ultimate winners. However, that doesn’t stop a breakaway. Breakaways occur because the pack sees an opportunity. Because they want to increase the pace of the race. Because they want to lead the peloton. Because they like being in the lead. And, frankly, because they can.
Accordingly, when Kristen and I founded Breakaway Bookkeeping and Advising the name was perfectly suited to our model - we’re breaking away from traditional accounting and bookkeeping services but we’re not abandoning them. Instead, we are creating a model that levers technology, community. and a brand to provide a different type of experience for our team and for the clients they serve.
We broke away because we wanted to show a different path. We broke away because we didn’t want to be part of the pack. We broke away because we like being leaders. We broke away because, frankly, we can.
Martin Moll